Nacido Para Triunfar: Douglas 777

COLOMBIA – En estos momentos, el artista colombo-americano Douglas 777 se encuentra en Colombia, ya que fue comisionado por el municipio de Fusagasugá, Cundinamarca para crear una monumental escultura que represente la idiosincrasia de esta bella ciudad colombiana.

El artista también participara como invitado especial en ART LIMA, la primera feria internacional de arte en Lima, Perú. Galerías nacionales e internacionales estarán presentes en el evento y coleccionistas tendrán la oportunidad de conocer a Douglas 777 personalmente. ART LIMA abrirá sus puertas el jueves 25 de Abril al domingo 28 de Abril del 2013 en la ESGE (Escuela Superior de Guerra del Ejército del Perú).

Douglas 777 ha triunfado en el mundo artístico gracias a sus imágenes simbólicas y representativas de la realidad más profunda del ser humano, su subconsciente y el universo de los sueños.

Para más información visite la página web del artista a: ó ART LIMA a:

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The Canary…

As part of payment, the woman received a beautiful canary, a small wild bird. She had worked hard and now it was time to head back home. But how would she get the canary safe and sound to her house, when she was at least 5 miles away and her only means of transportation was her old bicycle? She thought about ways of carrying the cage and after a while she remembered an old blanket she carried just in case she wanted to take a nap after working under the sun the entire day. She grabbed it, made a knot in one corner of the cage, then tied the blanket around her and once more, made another knot at the other corner of the cage. From a distance it looked like a rudimentary hardness.  She lifted her bike from the ground with the bird-cage on her back and began to ride, but the cage was big and the hardness idea was not working, the cage kept coming to one side preventing her from pedaling.  She tried and tried and nothing seemed to work. Was she supposed to leave the canary there in the middle of nowhere? But God works in mysterious ways and He knew this poor woman had worked hard and most probably deserved that bird. Three neighbors happened to pass by this desolated path and where delighted with the woman’s bird, they asked her how was she planning to get the bird home? With a smile in her face she showed them the so-called hardness, but after demonstrating, they all knew it wasn’t going to work. It so happened that these hikers were planning to take the bus home after their long walk and offered to take the bird with them, then she could pick up the bird at her convenience and she wouldn’t have to ride her bike with the bird on her back. She agreed thanking the friendly neighbors for their hospitality, since she knew it would have taken her the rest of the afternoon to return home.  You see God is always there, even when we think all is lost, but if you’ve been good, honest and a hardworking individual, He will always find the way to help, even if it is in the middle of nowhere. 🙂

The Four Invisible Forces…

Father Alan Jones talks about the Four Invisible Forces: love, death, power and time.

We must love, for we are loved by God.
We must be aware of death, in order to understand life.
We must fight to grow, but not be fooled by the power which comes with growth, for we know it is worthless.
Finally, we must accept that our soul – although it is eternal – is at this moment caught in the web of time, with all its opportunities and limitations…

Happy Friday Everyone!!! 🙂

Cupcakes Anyone?

I was trying to bake some cupcakes using an old family recipe, but my cupcakes did not grow, not sure what I did wrong! But just like my cupcakes, life can be a little challenging too. Maybe at one point or another we did not grow; we failed just like my little cupcakes did.

For sure somewhere along the way I messed up, perhaps everything seemed fine to me, but the results were disappointing. I am sure I used all the right ingredients, but my cupcakes did not look like they were supposed to. In life, you might have all the right ingredients, but if it is not meant to be, it’s just not going to work or feel right.

So I guess what I am trying to say or get at is, maybe things will not work out as planned, but don’t be disappointed, you did it right, you followed your recipe, so it’s not a complete failure! Go back, retrace your steps and then try again! Life is about trial and error, if you didn’t get it right the first time, maybe the second time around will be amazing or in my case delicious!  Just learn from everything you do, keep experiences close to your heart and accept that we are not perfect we just strive to be. Things will go wrong, but nevertheless we will keep or heads up and our faith strong. Keep trying, keep being yourself, there is a huge and wonderful reward at the end. I am sure there is! 🙂

A leaf…

A leaf does not cease to be a leaf merely because a storm tore it from the tree. A man’s intention should be perfect, straight, sharp, firm, precise. No one can stop it as it crosses the space separating it from its destiny. Paulo Coelho – The Way of The Bow.

Contemplating The Desert…

Short Story – By Paulo Coelho “Warrior of the Light Volume 3”

Three people passing in a small caravan saw a man contemplating the late afternoon in the Sahara desert, from the top of a mountain.

– It must be a shepherd who has lost a sheep – said the first.
– No, I don’t think he’s looking for anything, much less at sunset, when the view is hazy. I think he’s waiting for a friend.
– I guarantee that’s a holy man, and is looking for enlightenment, – commented the third.

They began to talk about what the man was doing, and became so engrossed in the discussion that they almost fought over it. Finally, in order to resolve the matter, they decided to climb the mountain and go to the man.

– Are you looking for your sheep? – asked the first.
– No, I have no flock.
– Then you are surely waiting for someone – said the second.
– I’m a lonely man who lives in the desert – was the answer.
– Since you live in the desert in solitude, you must be a saint searching for God’s signs, and are meditating! – said the third man, delighted.

– Does everything on Earth have to have an explanation? Then I shall explain: I am merely looking at the sunset. Is that not enough to give sense to our lives?


Here are some more beautiful Mother Quotes:

“The woman is at the heart of the home. Let us pray that we women realize the reason for our existence: to love and be loved and through this love become instruments of peace in the world.” Mother Teresa

“All I am, all I ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” Abraham Lincoln

“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” Honore de Balzac

“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.”  Cardinal Mermillod

Prohibited Foods…

A great perk of being single is being able to eat anything I want! I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes we abstained ourselves from eating so we don’t gain weight and believe me I am not the only one! Anyhow, it’s not that I eat a lot, is that I love to eat certain things that I can’t. I have this unfortunate condition called IBS and it’s a pain to live with (with or without a partner) there are thousands of things I can’t eat. But long story short, because of eating lately certain forbidden foods I was sick as a dog yesterday. Yikes! Couldn’t get my stomach to settle down, what a nightmare!

While being sick last night, I started to compare my horrible sickness to finding a new partner. I haven’t been able to settle down since my last relationship, but do dare to ask, how do women do it nowadays? I mean, I see some interesting prospects here and there and just like food there is a lot to choose from, but I think if I dared to eat or touch I will feel as sick as I was yesterday. I mean they are all the wrong foods! Is it all about sex nowadays? What ever happened to conversations, spending quality time or simply getting to know each other, is all that obsolete?   But if the outcome of finding a new partner equals being sick, I think I’d rather be alone. That’s by far the better choice!

So remember, don’t just go eating everything you want, especially forbidden foods, be extremely patient, I know loneliness is not fun, but do choose wisely, take your time and pray that God will give you someone worthwhile.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  –  Romans 12:12 

Feeling Weak? Look For Your Strengths…

I know lately I haven’t been really keeping up with my blog so I apologize, but it’s all part of restructuring my life and organizing myself. On the other hand, I wanted to share with you something I read the other day in my Daily Devotional written by Rich Wilkerson from Peacemakers & Trinity Church. It really meant a great deal to me and hopefully it would speak to you as well!

Consultant Dan Sullivan talks about the difference between our “ideals” and our “actuals.” He says, “The ideal is a picture we create of future desirable events and situations that enables us to move forward in time. The ideal does not actually exist outside our minds, nor is it achievable.” Why? Because it depends on everything being perfect. Life is, at best, messy. It’s filled with surprises—both good and bad. If you need the ideal picture of your dream to come into being in order to feel fulfilled, you will never be fulfilled. That doesn’t mean you should cast aside your ideal vision. It is useful for helping you to establish goals, find internal motivation, and strive for excellence. However, you also need to temper it. Where idealistic dreams expect to be realized immediately, realistic dreams make you appreciate the time it takes for them to become a reality. Where idealistic dreams do not tolerate anything less than perfection, realistic dreams leave room for you to be human and imperfect. Where idealistic dreams set you up for disappointment, realistic dreams set you up for success.The man who never made a mistake, never made anything. Indeed, the man who never made a mistake probably gets his salary from the one who does.

The reason God doesn’t whitewash His heroes in the Bible is to let you know that in spite of your flaws, He can use you to accomplish great things.

You say, “But am I not supposed to work on my weaknesses?” Yes, but you’ll only succeed in what you’re called to do by working from your God-given strengths.

“Do not throw away your confidence; it will be…rewarded.” Heb 10:35 NIV

I Too Am On The Outside…

Short Story – By Paulo Coelho “Warrior of the Light – Volume 3″

In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the brother who always obeys his father is furious at seeing the rebel son received with celebrations and joy. In the same way, many people who are obedient to the Lord’s word, end up becoming the merciless hangmen of all those who one day strayed from the Law. In a small village in the interior, a well-known sinner was barred from entering the church. He was angry and prayed: “Jesus, hear me. They will not let me into your house, for they think I am not worthy.” “Do not worry, my son,” answered Jesus. “I too am on the outside, together with those I have always stood alongside – sinners like yourself.”